This is more like sequential processing. 这更像是连续处理。
MDM_1X1.apt is used for sequential processing. MDM1X1.apt用于序列处理。
But this will not improve performance at all because of the sequential processing done by the CSLD task! 但是这样做根本不能提高性能,因为CSLD任务是按顺序的方式进行处理的!
Processing types: SPML supports both sequential and parallel processing of requests. 处理类型:SPML同时支持并行和顺序处理请求。
To address these constraints, copies of the multi-instance job were made and configured to reflect the particular job being changed from sequential to concurrent processing. 为解决这些限制,我们制作了多个多实例作业副本并将其配置为反映正在从序列处理转变为并发处理的特殊作业。
Batch and query applications typically do a lot of sequential processing, while data access for OLTP tends to be more random in nature. 批处理和查询应用程序通常要进行大量的顺序处理,而用于OLTP的数据访问往往更具有随机性。
Your program as a whole would finish in a fraction of the time sequential processing fills up. 总体来看,程序将在一段时间内完成,在这段时间内,将始终进行连续处理。
Jobs that require sequential processing can be submitted to the job spooler through cron by running each job one minute apart. 需要连续处理的作业可以通过cron提交给作业假脱机程序,每个作业间隔一分钟。
The setting for example is the the sequential processing of order items for a new customer of a furniture company. 示例的设置是顺序处理一家家具公司新客户的订单。
Another important area worth mentioning is large sequential I/ O processing. 另一个值得一提的重要领域是大量顺序I/O的处理。
Application and Research on Sequential Annular Image Processing Technology 序列环带图像处理技术研究及其应用
Sequential processing by two or more processing units. 由两个或多个处理单元顺序处理的过程。
The data retained on sequential-access storage media are periodically accessed and updated by the sequential processing techniques. 存储在顺序存取存储器内的数据,通过顺序处理技术定期访问和更新。
Existing track initiation algorithms include: heuristic rule, logic-based method, Hough transform approach and modified Hough transform method. These methods can be classified into two kinds, those are sequential processing technique and batch processing technique. 现有的航迹起始算法主要分为顺序处理技术和批处理两大类,包括直观法、逻辑法、Hough变换法、修正的Hough变换法等。
Are adopted with remarkable effect. As the time parameter t and clock variable cp are introduced in to the sequential circuits, processing of combinational circuits and sequential circuits becomes unified. 由于在时序电路中引入时间参数t和脉冲变量cp,统一了组合电路和时序电路的处理。
Our research goal is to retarget sequential image processing algorithm written in sequential languages ( e.g.C) to processors with multimedia extensions and multimedia-specific embedded microprocessors. 论文致力于对图像处理算法的串行C程序进行子字并行分析,并重定向到带有多媒体扩展的通用处理器和多媒体专用嵌入式微处理器。
The Real-time Sequential Algorithm for Surveying Data Processing 测量数据处理的实时序贯算法
The ARLA technology transforms a sequential adaptive array signal processing algorithm into an equivalent concurrent adaptive array signal processing algorithm by creating additional concurrency in the algorithm. ARLA技术通过引入并行机制把串行的自适应阵列信号处理算法转换成了并行的自适应阵列信号处理算法。
The running principle and procedure of X-ray sequential image acquisition& processing system is given. The emphasis is the key problems of PCI device driver program based on Windows OS. 本文详细描述了X射线医学视频图像采集与处理系统工作原理和工作过程,重点阐述在基于Windows平台的PCI设备驱动程序编制过程中碰到的关键问题。
Dynamic sequential images are analyzed by feature-based methods in image processing module. 在图像处理模块中,用基于特征的方法分析动态序列图像。
This paper starts with the running principle and procedure of X-ray Sequential Image Acquisition& Processing System. 本文从X射线医学成像的背景、原理和现状入手,详细描述了X射线医学视频图像采集与处理系统工作原理和工作过程。
Sequential Processing and Simultaneous Processing in Children with ADHD ADHD儿童同时性加工与继时性加工的实验研究
High-resolution X-ray Medical Sequential Image Acquisition and Processing System Based on PCI 基于PCI的高分辨率医用X光视频图像采集及处理系统
One of the difficulties in sequential image stitch processing is that it may be frustrated in mismatching when there are many similar segments in overlapped areas. 序列图像拼接过程中困难之一是当重叠区域内存在多个相似部分时,就会发生误区配而导致拼接失败。
With the in-depth development of photoelectric technologies and digital sequential image processing and analysis, more and more attention has being paid to the research area of structure from motion. 随着光电子技术和数字序列图像处理及分析技术的深入发展,由运动恢复形状的研究越来越受到研究人员的重视。
A Design of Sequential Circuit base on FPGA in the Signal Processing System of Satellite 卫星信息处理系统中基于FPGA的时序电路设计
Application of Sequential Pattern Mining Algorithm in Alarm Information Processing of Power System 序列模式挖掘在电力系统警报信息处理中的应用
Parallel processing possesses incomparable superiority relative to traditional sequential processing. 并行处理技术相对于传统的串行处理,具有无可比拟的优越性。
On biodegradation of daily chemical wastewater by using the sequential batch rector processing SBR法降解处理日化厂废水的实验研究
The results indicated the sequential processes when recognized words, casting doubt on parallel models in the left hemisphere and sequential models in the right hemisphere of word processing. 研究结果表明了词汇识别系列加工策略的存在,对左半球平行加工、右半球系列加工的说法提出了质疑。